Jumat, 19 April 2019


The Four Industrial Revolutions

The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization and innovation that took place during the late 1700s and early 1800s. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and quickly spread throughout the world. The American Industrial Revolution commonly referred to as the second Industrial Revolution, started sometime between 1820 and 1870. This time period saw the mechanization of agriculture and textile manufacturing as well as a revolution in power, including steamships and railroads, that affected social, cultural, and economic conditions.
Although the Industrial Revolution occurred approximately 200 years ago, it is a period in time that left a profound impact on how people lived and the way businesses operated. Arguably, the factory systems developed during the Industrial Revolution are responsible for the creation of capitalism and the modern cities of today. Prior to the revolution, most Americans earned a living farming, and with the advance of factories, people began working for companies located in urban areas for the first time. Although the wages were low and conditions were often harsh, working for businesses paid a better living than farming.
The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in history; almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. In particular, average income and population began to exhibit unprecedented sustained growth. Some economists say that the major impact of the Industrial Revolution was that the standard of living for the general population began to increase consistently for the first time in history, although others have said that it did not begin to meaningfully improve until the late 19th and 20th centuries.

The precise start and end of the Industrial Revolution is still debated among historians, as is the pace of economic and social changes. Eric Hobsbawm held that the Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 1780s and was not fully felt until the 1830s or 1840s, while T.S. Ashton held that it occurred roughly between 1760 and 1830. Rapid industrialization first began in Britain, starting with mechanized spinning in the 1780s, with high rates of growth in steam power and iron production occurring after 1800. Mechanized textile production spread from Great Britain to continental Europe and the United States in the early 19th century, with important centres of textiles, iron and coal emerging in Belgium and the United States and later textiles in France.

An economic recession occurred from the late 1830s to the early 1840s when the adoption of the original innovations of the Industrial Revolution, such as mechanized spinning and weaving, slowed and their markets matured. Innovations developed late in the period, such as the increasing adoption of locomotives, steamboats and steamships, hot blast iron smelting and new technologies, such as the electrical telegraph, widely introduced in the 1840s and 1850s, were not powerful enough to drive high rates of growth. Rapid economic growth began to occur after 1870, springing from a new group of innovations in what has been called the Second Industrial Revolution. These new innovations included new steel making processes, mass-production, assembly lines, electrical grid systems, the large-scale manufacture of machine tools and the use of increasingly advanced machinery in steam-powered factories.

Meet the Three Industrial Revolutions
·         The First Industrial Revolution: The Age of Mechanical Production
As it turns out, when you heat up water, you get steam. And beginning around 1760, through the advent of the steam engine, steam was powering everything from agriculture to textile manufacturing.

Society used to be largely agrarian, which is a fancy way of saying that life used to be centered around farming. But with steam power, those agrarian societies gave way to urbanization. The world began to rely on steam power and machine tools, while steamships and railroads revolutionized how people got from A to B. And what emerged as the new center of community life? The factory.

But factory life was difficult. Unskilled factory laborers were cheap and plentiful. They were made to work long hours, often in unsafe conditions. Even children worked in factories, putting in 14-hour shifts alongside adults. Such conditions endured into the 20th century.

Ultimately, advancing industrialization created a middle class of skilled workers. Cities and industries grew more quickly than ever before, and economies grew along with them.

·         The Second Industrial Revolution: The Age of Science and Mass Production
Things started to speed up with a number of key inventions. Think gasoline engines, airplanes, chemical fertilizer. All inventions that helped us go faster and do more.

That’s science, folks. It works.

But advancements in science weren’t limited to the laboratory. Scientific principles were brought right into the factories. Most notably, the assembly line, which effectively powered mass production. By the early part of the 20th century, Henry Ford’s company was mass producing the groundbreaking Ford Model T, a car with a gasoline engine built on an assembly line in his factories.

People follow the jobs, and the early 1900s saw workers leaving their rural homes behind to move to urban areas and factory jobs. By 1900, 40% of the US population lived in cities, compared to just 6% in 1800. Along with increasing urbanization, inventions such as electric lighting, radio, and telephones transformed the way people lived and communicated.

When you stop and think about it, it was this industrial revolution, the second one, that ushered in the modern world.

·         The Third Industrial Revolution: The Digital Revolution
So, if you’re reading this, you’re experiencing some of the wonders of the digital revolution right now. You’re enjoying the cloud, the Internet, and some kind of handy device that lets you access both. You can even be reading this on your phone.

Hello there. Welcome to the digital revolution.

Beginning in the 1950s, the third industrial revolution brought semiconductors, mainframe computing, personal computing, and the Internet—the digital revolution. Things that used to be analog moved to digital technologies, like an old television you used to tune in with an antenna (analog) being replaced by an Internet-connected tablet that lets you stream movies (digital).

The move from analog electronic and mechanical devices to pervasive digital technology dramatically disrupted industries, especially global communications and energy. Electronics and information technology began to automate production and take supply chains global.

·         The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Starting Now!
Each of these first three industrial revolutions represented profound change. We’re talking major societal transformation. Life went from being all about the farm to all about the factory, and people moved from the country into town with the introduction of mechanical production. How people lived and worked fundamentally changed with the discovery of electricity and mass production. And most recently, the digital revolution altered nearly every industry, once again transforming how people live, work, and communicate.

So where are we now? Well, at this moment, many of the technologies people dreamed of in the 1950s and 60s have become a reality. Maybe we don’t have flying cars yet, but we’ve got robots! Plus there’s genetic sequencing and editing, artificial intelligence, miniaturized sensors, and 3D printing, to name a few. And when you put some of these technologies together, well, let’s just say the innovations are unexpected and surprising.

          Effects of the industrial revolution were primarily bad. It had numerous ill affects on the society.
Firstly there were cases of abuse of children and women and it was considered a new norm for factory owners.
Factory owners were happy to employ children as they were too small to resist anything they were asked of.
Factory owners can deter them by beating if they show some sign of resistance. Also because they were physically small it was easy to employ them to work with machines as their small hands can go to the smallest of the cavity of machines. They were made to work for 18 hours a day which took their entire childhood away from them.
The unprecedented economical growth made capitalism flourish. There were little or no government regulations against factory owners and they were free to pursue any path which took them to profit.
Because people were made to work 18 hours a day therefore workers had very little or no time to share some moments with family. This lead to the breakdown of family units. Because of this children received very little education, had poor cultural and moral values, had poor growth, and were sickly.
Living conditions of workers were pathetic, they were living in slums with no sanitation facilities.

How Is the Fourth Different from the Third Industrial Revolution?
According to Schwab, there are three key factors which differentiate between the two:
·         Velocity
·         Breadth and depth
·         Systems impact

The world is more connected than ever before, and this revolution is transforming the world far more quickly than the first three did.

Breadth and Depth
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff observes, “The convergence of digital technologies with breakthroughs in materials science and biology means that we are seeing the emergence of entirely new ways in which to live. In both subtle and explicit ways, technology is also changing what it means to be human.”

Systems Impact
Fourth Industrial Revolution advances are so sophisticated and interconnected that they’re transforming major systems (politics and the economy, for example) as well as entire countries and societies.


Jumat, 12 April 2019



Plagiarisme atau sering disebut plagiat adalah penjiplakan atau pengambilan karangan, pendapat, dan sebagainya dari orang lain dan menjadikannya seolah karangan dan pendapat sendiri. Plagiat dapat dianggap sebagai tindak pidana karena mencuri hak cipta orang lain. Di dunia pendidikan, pelaku plagiarisme dapat mendapat hukuman berat seperti dikeluarkan dari sekolah/universitas. Pelaku plagiat disebut sebagai plagiator.

Ruang Lingkup Plagiarisme

Berdasarkan beberapa definisi plagiarisme di atas, berikut ini diuraikan ruang lingkup plagiarisme:
1.     Mengutip kata-kata atau kalimat orang lain tanpa menggunakan tanda kutip dan tanpa menyebutkan identitas sumbernya.
2.     Menggunakan gagasan, pandangan atau teori orang lain tanpa menyebutkan identitas sumbernya.
3.     Menggunakan fakta (data, informasi) milik orang lain tanpa menyebutkan identitas sumbernya.
4.     Mengakui tulisan orang lain sebagai tulisan sendiri.
5.     Melakukan parafrase (mengubah kalimat orang lain ke dalam susunan kalimat sendiri tanpa mengubah idenya) tanpa menyebutkan identitas sumbernya.
6.     Menyerahkan suatu karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan dan /atau telah dipublikasikan oleh pihak lain seolah-olah sebagai karya sendiri.

Tipe Plagiarisme
Menurut Soelistyo (2011) ada beberapa tipe plagiarisme:
1.     Plagiarisme Kata demi Kata (Word for word Plagiarism). Penulis menggunakan kata-kata penulis lain (persis) tanpa menyebutkan sumbernya.
2.     Plagiarisme atas sumber (Plagiarism of Source). Penulis menggunakan gagasan orang lain tanpa memberikan pengakuan yang cukup (tanpa menyebutkan sumbernya secara jelas).
3.     Plagiarisme Kepengarangan (Plagiarism of Authorship). Penulis mengakui sebagai pengarang karya tulis karya orang lain.
4.     Self Plagiarism. Termasuk dalam tipe ini adalah penulis mempublikasikan satu artikel pada lebih dari satu redaksi publikasi. Dan mendaur ulang karya tulis/ karya ilmiah. Yang penting dalam self plagiarism adalah bahwa ketika mengambil karya sendiri, maka ciptaan karya baru yang dihasilkan harus memiliki perubahan yang berarti. Artinya Karya lama merupakan bagian kecil dari karya baru yang dihasilkan. Sehingga pembaca akan memperoleh hal baru, yang benar-benar penulis tuangkan pada karya tulis yang menggunakan karya lama.

Mengapa Plagiarisme Terjadi

Beberapa tindakan plagiat terjadi di sekitar kita. Tentu saja hal ini cukup menjadi perhatian kita semua, sehingga menjadi sangat penting bagi kita untuk mengantisipasi tindakan ini. Tindakan plagiat akan mencoreng dan memburamkan dunia akademis kita dan tidak berlebihan jika plagiarisme dikatakan sebagai kejahatan intelektual. Ada beberapa alasan pemicu atau faktor pendorong terjadinya tindakan plagiat yaitu:
1.     Terbatasnya waktu untuk menyelesaikan sebuah karya ilmiah yang menjadi beban tanggungjawabnya. Sehingga terdorong untuk copy-paste atas karya orang lain.
2.     Rendahnya minat baca dan minat melakukan analisis terhadap sumber referensi yang dimiliki.
3.     Kurangnya pemahaman tentang kapan dan bagaimana harus melakukan kutipan.
4.     Kurangnya perhatian dari guru ataupun dosen terhadap persoalan plagiarisme.

Menghindari Tindakan Plagiarisme

Beberapa upaya telah dilakukan institusi perguruan tinggi untuk menghindarikan masyarakat akademisnya, dari tindakan plagiarisme, sengaja maupun tidak sengaja. Berikut ini, pencegahan dan berbagai bentuk pengawasan yang dilakukan antara lain (Permen Diknas No. 17 Tahun 2010 Pasal 7):
1.     Karya mahasiswa (skripsi, tesis dan disertasi) dilampiri dengan surat pernyataan dari yang bersangkutan, yang menyatakan bahwa karya ilmiah tersebut tidak mengandung unsur plagiat.
2.     Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi berkewajiban mengunggah semua karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan di lingkungan perguruan tingginya, seperti portal Garuda atau portal lain yang ditetapkan oleh Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi.
3.     Sosialisasi terkait dengan UU Hak Cipta No. 19 Tahun 2002 dan Permendiknas No. 17 Tahun 2010 kepada seluruh masyarakat akademis.
Selain bentuk pencegahan yang telah disebutkan di atas, sebagaimana ditulis dalam http://writing.mit.edu/wcc/avoidingplagiarism, ada langkah yang harus diperhatikan untuk mencegah atau menghindarkan kita dari plagiarisme, yaitu melakukan pengutipan dan/atau melakukan paraphrase.
1.     Pengutipan
1.     Menggunakan dua tanda kutip, jika mengambil langsung satu kalimat, dengan menyebutkan sumbernya.
2.     Menuliskan daftar pustaka, atas karya yang dirujuk, dengan baik dan benar. Yang dimaksud adalah sesuai panduan yang ditetapkan masing-masing institusi dalam penulisan daftar pustaka.
2.     Paraphrase
1.     Melakukan parafrase dengan tetap menyebutkan sumbernya. Parafrase adalah mengungkapkan ide/gagasan orang lain dengan menggunakan kata-kata sendiri, tanpa merubah maksud atau makna ide/gagasan dengan tetap menyebutkan sumbernya.

Sanksi Plagiarisme

Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 mengatur sanksi bagi orang yang melakukan plagiat, khususnya yang terjadi dilingkungan akademik. Sanksi tersebut adalah sebagai berikut (Pasal 70):
Lulusan yang karya ilmiah yang digunakannya untuk mendapatkan gelar akademik, profesi, atau vokasi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 25 Ayat (2) terbukti merupakan jiplakan dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama dua tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp 200.000.000,00 (dua ratus juta rupiah).
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 17 Tahun 2010 telah mengatur sanksi bagi mahasiswa yang melakukan tindakan plagiat. Jika terbukti melakukan plagiasi maka seorang mahasiswa akan memperoleh sanksi sebagai berikut:
1.     Teguran
2.     Peringatan tertulis
3.     Penundaan pemberian sebagian hak mahasiswa
4.     Pembatalan nilai
5.     Pemberhentian dengan hormat dari status sebagai mahasiswa
6.     Pemberhentian tidak dengan hormat dari status sebagai mahasiswa
7.    Pembatalan ijazah apabila telah lulus dari proses pendidikan.